We've arranged these bosses in alphabetical order for you and also noted if they drop a weapon. You need to defeat GenIVIV to make progress in the main storyline. This will … I have been meaning to write this for a while, namely because even I don’t know all the unique drops in Borderlands 3, and it was time I did some research to find out. It is important to mention, that GENIVIV does work quite similarly to the Mechs that you encounter during Skywell-27 and Atlas, At Last. When it comes to defeating GenIVIV, our best advice would be to not only keep a distance but to also be ready to duck for cover. Fires 7 projectiles in a biohazard symbol pattern. Of course you would have to play through TVHM to get level 50 items out of it. Most of these legendary items will have a chance to drop anywhere in the world. It can only be obtained from GenIVIV in Voracious Canopy on Eden-6 while playing on Mayhem level 6 or above. Reflux is a legendary shotgun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion. She’ll zip around the room frequently launching green mines out that you should avoid. However, Balex drops in and destroyers the shield around GenIVIV. Also drops Mongol, Rocket Launcher that shoots out small rockets from a big rocket, Rakkman (Pandora Carnivora Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Night Flyer, Pistol that leaves enemies at one health, fully auto when airborne, Baron Noggin (Promethea Meridian Metroplex Target, Location Video) – Drops EMP, Grenade that destroys shields, Handsome Jackie (Promethea Skywell-27 Target, Location Video) – Drops Iron Willed Nimble Jack, Shotgun with good airborne accuracy, one shot, Judge Hightower (Promethea Lectra City Target, Location Video) – Drops Scorpio XL, Pistol that when thrown has its own shield, Borman Nates (Promethea Meridian Outskirts Rare Spawn, Location Video) - Drops Psycho Stabber, Pistol with 120% Melee damage that shoots daggers, Dinkeblot (Promethea Skywell-27 Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Loot-o-gram you give to Earl that has a chance to turn into a random legendary, Wick and Worty (Promethea Lectra City Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Redundant Savvy Phebert, Shotgun, radioactive that consumes two ammo per shot, Urist McEnforcer (Promethea Lectra City Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Crossbow, Sniper that shoots crossbow bolts, Killavolt (Promethea Lectra City Side Quest Miniboss) – Drops Shocking 9-Volt, Pistol with triple projectile three round burst, One Punch (Promethea Lectra City Puzzle, Location Video) – Drops One-Pump Chump, Shotgun with one round and massive damage, Chupacabratch (Athenas Hunt, Location Video) – Drops Chupa’s Organ, Grenade that lifesteals through shields, Private Beans (Athenas Side Quest Miniboss) – Drops Westergun, SMG that fires energy projectiles without charging, Maxitrillion (Eden 6 Voracious Canopy Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops The Horizon, Shotgun that creates bouncing hologram target that explodes when shot, Heckle and Hyde (Eden 6 Jakob’s Estate Target, Location Video) – Drops Whizzy Pestilence, Pistol that shoots radiation rounds very fast, Psychobillies (Eden 6 Ambermire Target, Location Video) – Drops Electric Banjo, Artifact with 20% chance for chain lightning on shot, Sky Bullies (Eden 6 The Anvil Target, Location Video) – Drops Shooting Star, Shield that when depleted turns melee into projectile, El Dragon Jr (Eden 6 Jakob’s Estate Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Unleash the Dragon, Artifact that makes slide, slam and melee all ignite, The Unstoppable (Eden 6 Ambermire Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Band of Sytorak, Shield with weapon bonuses when depleted and higher max health. A lower droprate would be fine if all the bosses … Find out which legendary items drop from which boss in Borderlands 3 with this guide. Agonizer 9000 / Pain & Terror Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The Borderlands 3 Jabbermogwai is a legendary creature you need to find and kill for Sir Hammerlock. A complete hub for all the guides you'll need to survive the Borderlands and come out the strongest Vault Hunter you can be in Borderlands 3. I write about video games, television, movies and the internet. The Messy Breakup can only be dropped by GenIVIV, but it's not a 100% drop. Try to stay clear of the miniature Mechs that she summons, as they can deal quite a bit of damage when they melee you. While GenIVIV does throw down other attacks such a wall, drones, and miniature Mechs, I wouldn't particularly say that she is all that challenging.Your biggest concern will be avoiding the large green mines that GenIVIV throws out while zipping around the room, as they can deal some rather significant blows when caught off guard.Due to the speed at which they travel, the mines can sometimes be rather challenging to avoid, so one little tip is to hide behind the computer consoles in the room while they are being thrown. GenIVIV Location Borderlands 3 Boss location video. Get to cover when GenIVIV throws out the large green mines. You can also slide into the barrels around the area (hold crouch button) to fling those at the boss and deal him a lot of damage. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The issue is that there isn't a way to farm specific legendaries. GeniVIV is a respawnable boss encountered in Borderlands 3. Geniviv has probably been the best source of Bloodletter mods for me for some reason. The Graveward exclusively drops the Grave, Artifact that gives bonuses as your health gets lower, increased FFYL duration, also drops Ward, Shield that buffs stats when your shield is depleted (great melee shield usually). This portion of our Wiki Guide will detail some of our best tips, tricks, and strategies for defeating GenIVIV during the chapter 14 mission, The Family Jewel. Then there’s he most overlooked source in the game “Lilith’s Chest” offers up legendary class mods about a quarter of the time. October 31, 2019 October 21, ... Once you have destroyed GenIVIV, a lot of loot will drop, along with the vault key fragment. 1~4. You may opt-out by. Not to mention graveward is by far the easiest of the vault monsters to fight (there are even ways to one- shot graveward with every character!) She’ll move around the move and dropping mines in your path. Read this page to learn about the boss' attacks and the suggested ways to weaken it. The shield makes quips about your character such as being jealous of Claptrap or complaining about taking damage - a very similar personality to GenIVIV. Post hotfix rates feel a bit more fair even. The endgame of Borderlands 3 is in a very, very weird place right now. All information about drop location and farming. Troy Calypso (Story Boss) – Drops Double-Penetrating Occultist, Pistol with fiery rocket projectiles. The first boss in the game can be said to be a tutorial boss. BL3 – Reflux farm Location (Drop Location) The Boss that drops Reflux is GenIVIV. So far there do not seem to be confirmed unique boss drops from Nekrotafeyo for some reason. While for the most part, I believe that the best drops in the game are from the general loot pool, there are a number of strong weapons and bits of gear that only drop from one specific boss. I say it’s complete but that may be a lie as I won’t guarantee that I’ve gotten every single thing. 1 billion guns? A Possible Answer, Here’s A Potential Sneak Peek At Destiny 2’s Repaired Old Tower, This New Linux OS Sure Looks Like It Was Designed By Apple, ‘Magic: The Gathering’ Kaldheim Mechanics Explained - Foretell, Boast, Sagas, Changelings And More, Video Games Are Not A Pandemic Scourge, They’re Keeping Both Children And Adults Sane, Genshin Impact’s New Hypostatic Event Is Easily Its Hardest Ever. So, let’s begin. GenIVIV – The Family Jewels, Eden-6. This will help protect you and provide much needed cover from these bombs as they will more often than not fly over head and explode when hitting the back wall. Drops: Messy Breakup – Unique shield that spawns a shield drone that follows you around. While downed, shooting the red drones is a fantastic way to quickly get back into battle due to their low hp. GenIVIV is a BALEX drops in from above, taking out the shield around GenIVIV and starting the boss fight. The location is Voracious Canopy on Eden-6. Not a 100% Drop. GenIVIV is basically a bigger version of the mechs you fought back on Skywell-27, with some extra moves and the ability to summon enemies. Graveward is the second Vault Boss in the main story. If you know any different, let me know. The original shooter-looter returns, packing an insane amount of guns and an all-new mayhem-fueled adventure! Strategy for Defeating GenIVIV With BALEX's help, defeat GenIVIV to … For the next five weeks, an Anniversary event celebrating Borderlands will be live in Borderlands 3. 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With BALEX's help, defeat GenIVIV to get the Vault Key Fragment. Carrier from StarCraft The boss’s appearance, health and … This is one of the most fun guns in Borderlands 3 (even if it's not the best), and it would be super cool to be able to craft better guns with Dubstep projectiles if only Gearbox would add a crafting system. Aurelia – Jakobs Estate, Eden-6. Here you can see where is GenIVIV location in Borderlands 3 game. The only real interaction the player has with GenIVIV is in the Messy Breakup shield her character may drop upon death. However, she does have a few unique abilities that can deliver some rather nasty blows if you're not paying attention. [BL3] [Opinion] Legendary drop rates are fine, both in normal and Mayhem modes. When he sends an underground shockwave, get away as it will hit you from below. The Family Jewel Mission Walkthrough in BL3. Just the best I can come up with from a few different sources all put together. This includes boss location & mission, boss weapon drops, unique enemy loots, and more! While corrosive and shock style weapons will be the most ideal for the boss battle, any high dps weapon will do the trick. It being a torgue weapon, has sticky fire, but not as its alternate fire like standard torgue gear. Shiv. Right now, it seems like Marcus doesn't do anything after receiving GenIVIV. However, each boss has specific loot items that are almost guaranteed to drop. 2) Gigamand - Smart Gun XXL (SMG) This smart gun really is smart! These can be big story bosses that everyone has to fight, or they can be random, obscure bosses you’d never find on your own, hence the need for a list like this. When you're ready to begin the battle, drop down into the hole. Kill GenIVIV. Complete Borderlands 3 Boss List. 3. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. There are also unique blue and purple drops from bosses not included here. Each week will feature a different theme and rewards. It might take a while before the Messy Breakup drops when you defeat GenIVIV. Here is the exact Map Location for GenIVIV or to farm the Reflux: Make sure to save at the location shown above. Pick up the vault key fragment and any other loot then look for BALEX who will be somewhere on the ground. It is highly suited for Amara, especially during the Mayhem 4 of the Moxxi’s Heist of … After you beat the main campaign, you enter True Vault Hunter mode, which creates harder enemies and … In-Game Purchases, Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Users Interact, Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Defeating GenIVIV in Borderlands 3, Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, Where to Buy 2021 Gaming Laptops with the Newest GeForce RTX 3060, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Video Cards, CES 2021 Highlights: The Biggest Announcements From The Show, Things Borderlands 3 Doesn't Tell You (Borderlands Tips and Tricks), How to Start a Game With a Friend (Co-op), How to Respec Your Character and Respec Costs Explained, Borderlands 3 Cheats and Exploits: How to Dupe Guns and Items, Which Borderlands 3 Character Should You Choose, How to Find One Punch Man: Guide and Legendary Shotgun, How to Find Rick and Morty and Legendary Gun, Handsome Jackie Walkthrough Tips and Legendary Gun, How to Find God of War Mimir Reference Location and Walkthrough, Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC, Walkthrough - Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC, Side Missions - Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC, Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC Walkthrough, Walkthrough - Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC, Side Missions - Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC, Shift Codes and VIP Codes: How to Redeem Codes and Earn Points, Crew Challenges Collectibles and Locations, Pre-Order Bonuses and Collector's Editions, How to Redeem SHiFT Codes and Golden Keys, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Get ready for an extensive list of all BL3 bosses accompanied by where to find each boss and which weapons are dedicated to their loot pool. The problem is not drop rates. A T L A S: AR: Carrier: N: Judge Hightower: Crew Challenge: Lectra City: Splits in 2 and homing on impact: 1: I have arrived. If you're wanting some tips on how to pick up those special weapons, check out some of the links to our guides on those specifically too. Read my new sci-fi thriller novel Herokiller, available now in print and online. GenIVIV Found at the End of Family Jewel There is also a way point very close to the boss, so be sure to save there so you can have a short walk to GenIVIV. News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. The Earworm Assault Rifle was available during Boss Week from 10.01.19 until 10.07.19. GENIVIV does work similar to the Mechs that you first encounter during Skywell-27 and Atlas, At Last. © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. Borderlands 3 Legendary Weapons from 50 KILLS of GENEVIEVE *MAYHEM 4 DEDICATED DROPS* Click SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy! Mouthpiece (Story Boss) – Drops Mindkiller, Shotgun with Dubstep projectiles, Gigamand (Story Boss) – Drops Smart Gun XXL, SMG that seeks out enemies with a brain spider bomb when thrown, Katagawa Ball (Story Boss) – Drops Tsunami, SMG with random elemental burst projectiles in addition to normal shot, The Rampager (Story Boss) – Drops Quadomizer, Rocket Launcher that cycles through elements with four projectiles, Warden (Story Boss) – Drops Freeman, Rocket Launcher with guided missiles, GenIVIV (Story Boss) – Drops Messy Breakup, Shield with follow drones, Aurelia (Story Boss) – Drops Frozen Heart, Shield that creates lifesteal cryo nova, The Graveward – Drops Grave, Artifact that gives bonuses as your health gets lower, increased FFYL duration, also drops Ward, Shield that buffs stats when shield is depleted (great melee shield usually), Troy Calypso (Story Boss) – Drops Double-Penetrating Occultist, Pistol with fiery rocket projectiles, Tyreen Calypso (Story Boss) – Drops King’s Call and Queen’s Call, Pistols with 3x tracking split shots on crit, Crawly Family (Pandora Droughts Hunt, Location Video) – Drops Predatory Lending, SMG that uses money instead of ammo, Skrakk (Pandora Ascension Bluff Hunt, Location Video) – Drops SkekSil, Pistol with seven round burst that also shoots energy balls, Hot Karl (Pandora Devil’s Razor Hunt, Location Video) – Drops Sledge’s Shotgun, Shotgun with huge mag and double burst fire, Phoenix (Pandora Splinterlands Hunt, Location Video) – Drops Phoenix Tears, Artifact with 100% health on Second Wind and longer FFYL duration, Manvark (Pandora Konrad’s Hold Hunt, Location Video) – Drops Headsplosion, Sniper with explosive rounds and 3 richochets, Road Dog (Pandora Splinterlands Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Double-Penetrating Redline, Shotgun that shoots missile barrage, Tarantella (Pandora Splinterlands Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops Hive, Rocket Launcher that shoots Hive rockets that shoot mini missiles, Captain Thunk and Sloth (Pandora Konrad’s Hold Rare Spawn, Location Video) – Drops It’s Piss, a grenade that clears ally status effects and causes enemies to take more damage. 3) Katagawa Ball - Tsunami (SM… He dies in just a few hits. The boss we want to farm for the Reflux is GenIVIV, who’s located all the way at the end of the map. This is a large mech that is accompanied by robotic assistants. With BALEX's help, defeat GenIVIV to get the Vault Key Fragment. It launches a brain spider bomb with tracking to take down enemies. The blast fires fast moving projectiles. Avoid the walls that GenIVIV creates to avoid any unnecessary damage. Boss: GenIVIV; Difficulty: Mayhem 6+ Start out by heading over to Eden-6 on Voracious Canopy. Much like most bosses in Borderlands 3, it's important to keep your distance as this will allow you to better avoid any incoming attacks from projectiles. I also wrote The Earthborn Trilogy. GENIVIV does work similar to the Mechs that you first encounter during Skywell-27 and. Due to the nature of the boss, GenIVIV contains both an armor and shield health bar. If you are looking for a hard-hitting monster than this SMG is the one for you. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. These do not include drops from story missions, and these are all legendaries. Main Mission: Children of the Vault Location: Pandora, Covenant Pass Strategy: This boss acts as a small tutorial and doesn’t have much more health than a normal enemy. 1) Mouthpiece - Mindkiller (Shotgun) A shotgun with Dubstep projectiles. 1 Special Weapon Effects 2 Usage & Description 3 Notes 4 Trivia That's gotta burn.Always corrosive. GenIVIV is the boss that you need to defeat in this BL3 mission. JR. still drops mods although not as often. Drop a weapon main storyline me know being a torgue weapon, has sticky fire, but not as alternate! Large mech that is accompanied by robotic assistants, At Last only real interaction the player has with.. Boss weapon drops, unique enemy loots, and these are all legendaries location in Borderlands 3 a. Large green mines until 10.07.19 creature you need to find and kill for Sir.! 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