z/HWM8JD2qK0xVdLrfk5bOK6X8pdO+rI/wC8j+vaSkcTbGNqBvRqweXhuG5LQDclVVbV9e8jztqF 0.000000 8opaPJGq29xbtHqemK7D1Y5kv4PgK8WXkQ1UYg1UHc0NN8vIBFFpBINhMdY0LzD5muotVu7/AEmG A A festival involving snakes, a reed dance with thousands of Zulu dancers or a large religious gathering of the Shembe are all cultural outings available to you when exploring Eshowe in Zululand at certain times of the year.. CMYK CMYK Although South Afrika is comprised of San (Bushmen), Nguni people (Xhosa, Zulu, Swati, Ndebele), Sotho (Tswana, Sesotho and Sepedi), Tsonga people, Venda people, Coloureds, Indians, Afrikaaners and English, we will focus on the Zulus of the Kwa-Zulu Natal Province. The Zulu people are a Bantu group of Southern Africa and the largest ethnic group in South Africa. Which will make the beer drinkable. 0.000000 NzBjVkX+ajVUsNgd6YNRp45QBLobTg1EsRPD1FMfPkLU6SkX+lv6TrHRL+3csWVWBjVWLOPjp8I6 CMYK CMYK Magenta CMYK fO/kKw1W9hn8iamswhj9a9TRFeOeEw+qiiVAeQUOV4NuG5CnXB+VxUBwx28gnxJd5UY/PP5aJaxy ZV0PzCrLHLKqvpc6lhDGZGVa9SePEdqkVIriqK/5XNoZjikj0LzDKssaykJpNyWRGlMR5KVBJWnI converted CsAa5oZBG3BWKjiHkLt8JZvHZVpRrJb9Ky+TLmW50+OB4AJ/MiqEjpBGRzio7lhVqGjIT0IJxSq2 saved Throughout Zulu history, there has been hardly an aspect of traditional Zulu life in which religion has not played a part: in warfare, in ceremonies, in the different stages and crises in people's personal lives, in agriculture and economic well-being and so on. 1 39.999998 50.000000 CULTURE The Zulu have close ties to other Nguni people such as the Swazi and Xhosa, and their cultures are quite similar. cAsQGYLU0Lt18Tj+Wx0Bwx25bBPiS7ymuXMHzdq35gfnEl9qEllrQfTlmuo4XgXQ51hkjmneK25C 0.000000 C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=10 R9fgYPrWycP2+XXamR8XJw3wi7/nbc658P2LxQuvV/pT+P2b8t24dG0EvarNqNyiyxn6wY7aGQpM /mA364qiLbyB+Zllqt9a/wCCtNk0t2aG4nh0fS0W5t4X5hOBvGP7yS3jdOQNGoSN91Uu0/yB+b1q ObQhcRiWE3CmJ2t/UDW0v7sgvToQSRwKqSyfk1qUEdwIfJvmB4KFZLhDogaVOXOvoNBzI/d8glKh 8dcPDGudUOa8cru17+a/y00yG0Fv5BvxZWxhktZLbQB6cD3luZ/gQIrq3BishRdmNCcMsGORJMQb 80.000001 Restless ancestors are said to be the source of many ills. RZUkV56rzJWT4jsEah7YqhU/PTzdNFHFbeaeVwwDxNL5blhSUFyoBkNyyLXiwJoAKMNziqJn/Nzz 2008-06-11T14:31:27-07:00 19.999999 In the Zulu tradition a couple is not completely married until a special ceremony called Umabo is completed. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60 Submit . The cultural calendar in Zululand has particular ceremonies of interest and you can attend one of these events as part of a guided tour. CpNa4qjX/wCcf7+TXUuJ38uS6WU9F4f0FAJljXl6ZVizAsF4Lv8Asim/Uqsx/L3yb538sC30++1n / 100.000000 The mash mixture cools for another day until it is ready to be strained and served. Zulu culture's distinct beer-making traditions include using the native mobola plum, sorghum and maize. 2008-05-22T13:28:01-07:00 0 10.000002 CMYK Learning about the ⭐ ZULU CULTURE ⭐ is exciting. uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 His descendants made up the Zulu clan. saved FVZPyJ8goSyjUQzRtCx/SV6ao0ZjoQZabBjx8O2wAxVUsvyR8kWqzoG1KaKd+bxSajd+mAAAECJI C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0 The Zulu people make the most extensive section of the population in South Africa. 25.000000 The Zulu community basically uses the beadwork as a way to communicate with each other, just like the old tradition of weddings, men give women engagement rings so others know that they are not available in the dating community no more, and the Zulu community uses beadwork as a form of communication with each other. Xhosa tradition, a ritual is about the faith of the family but hristian practices unify families and the community under one narrative that makes more sense to some Xhosa people. 60.000002 IWSYOqkgjaoDjjiqklj+TcjzxSeW/OscdpLPAjMuqvEwgqjyxenNIGQsKdOVR8SgVxVEw6d+T0t4 PROCESS Request PDF | Heteronormativity ... family and tradition ... Late 1800s 45 4 A Brief Archaeology of Precolonial Farming in KwaZulu-Natal 47 Gavin Whitelaw 5 Cattle Symbolism in Zulu Culture … The tribe has a rich heritage, and Zulu food provides more than satiety. 10.000002 39.999998 The Zulu people make the most extensive section of the population in South Africa. xmp.iid:FA7F117407206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD The Pedi ambushed them and, using the rugged mountainous terrain to their advantage, frustrated the British advance so much that they were forced to retreat to Fort Burgers. Zulu Culture Izithakazelo. xmp.iid:D27F11740720681191099C3B601C4548 Traditional Zulu and Xhosa Purification and Burial Rites Anne Hutchings Introduction Purification procedures involving plants during rites of passage have been a widespread phenomenon in many cultures through the ages. 100.000000 YEuK1bY164qti/5x516MyI1z5XniZVCtJ5dhDUj4lV+GXlRqUJ5/CAKCp+FVEW35A6yvpm4uPLZe The mash mixture cools for another day until it is ready to be strained and served. 100.000000 hzGo+Hcn0m+XfqMVU/8Alef5TejFOPMlsYJzMIpQspUm3VHlHIJQFVlU0Pjirm/PP8pwQB5igZ2j 39.999998 CMYK tuzctQ0cMr0VmUzqCxUH4G406EmoNMVRN5p/5v31vYfVR5ttJZJlEk5vNL+CIwWiq00ZEX7XqMy8 CMYK Red 50.000000 0.000000 Default Swatch Group WT8vdVt7e0kFyLWXy9wBkNyqrLGpXhzLv6o35bE/a2x/L47vhjfLkOSOOXeirfz9+W8yyXkPkvUj 2008-06-02T13:25:25-07:00 Travelling to South Africa during Covid-19 – all you need to know . 100.000000 Magenta PROCESS True 100.000000 0000008490 00000 n C=0 M=10 Y=95 K=0 IiReO8Y2ZfeiqOg/NjycwHHyxrkfNlKctDulVn335enxBWlSSRiqz/lbXk7hBN/hfWwzqEgro0wY sZHiK1eUMCrMAvXoRiq5vzhglWR5fMXmiApOiC0TWNJB9JwzSfEU5n0+IUVepr1FMVRmqfmk0d/F VdW+ltF50vdPlkUxXDN5X+CWRpW+NvUkYR+mrqjUfjVdq74qjdM/MT80bu6eI6vqJ5xSuiJ5VkYA 0.000000 Or/Qvzejg1S6t281y3MV0sUNsuqaeA8LySA3NuTFxPBIV5ROq7yfDUANiqGutI/OWG4W1h/xnNaO C=75 M=0 Y=75 K=0 Open Type ACb5m0t9UkSS+hitY4ItbuQWjHpCFY0Fxv8A3K08ffFULB+WX5FqW9HV94mSdyuu3HJKF1Q8xcc0 vAj+FRxPxUqdvFVncn/OP35ZvawW31S8RLYsYHTUL1XXkenIS1ag+Ecq0HTFV1t+Q35fW+oRaiqX 2008-06-11T22:37:35-07:00 saved 6m5lH7sMBAKLyorAlSCepxV0X/ORWtzXht1ufK0RaN5IBJealR14kIyP9TVXUvG3Ten0VVZx+Wn5 0.000000 xmp.iid:F87F11740720681197C1BF14D1759E83 0.000000 I4kltRrerihUepK0L0rHymc0AAHEU2LE4qtl/JDztcXhlutA0guIljhuYtc1lChggSKIuKDlX0xy CMYK Black gUuGmkRnaI2EC8CnpcFDSbhmoBvir6axV2Kvm6f8nbG5vLmU+ftJ+qPPfssayTqyzTNzmj5R36EL 7nXLe2/SXlQWM90kKgXGoGcxGZ1LBhAYuTRpUCuxK8vtAYq6x/5yB8y3uoQadBfeTzdXoSGzK316 In Zulu culture, women also wear different attire at different stages of their lives. 0.000000 Shaka, who became king in 1816, is the most well known Zulu king - who had total power over his tribe. NcxappH1R3nWnCb97GFd14D4gSwoOm2I0+P+bHlXIcu73I45d7I4/KflaO4kuY9GsUuJgBLMttCH NP6dvc00F/WMdHKiQCPkyKgY7V60G5pg/K4qA4Y7eQT4ku8qMvn38sbK3hf/AANqccUC/V4ePl2R Thank you all for your comments: This is a very informative site about our culture and it realy helps a lot. / t/iSsm3wiu/TfpirxQ2v5LW9lbWq+WfN0n1uF7gwLFqzTIPURJGk/egqawqKrsAf8rFVabQ/ycvb xmp.iid:FF7F117407206811B628E3BF27C8C41B PROCESS 0.000000 / 75.000000 75.000000 0.000000 PROCESS VXya3/zk8J5ilg7wRAwKos9PDO4iZRcJyvFHH1FDcT4gCuKrLjXf+coJLILDYSRXDxKfUFlp9Q7T 0.000000 80.000001 100.000000 CMYK xmp.iid:F07F117407206811A46CA4519D24356B Zulus are the largest black group inside South Africa. Free subscription Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in South Africa. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90 69.999701 / z95xiLJL+ZdqzRuIWD6nIyzRyIH5oy6cXTi0lAwUsT/kpir6o8kjUB5O0P8ASNy15qBsLY3d0xqZ 0000000813 00000 n / 100.000000 Open Type amtz9UvNQ8rC6gkRryOG6vnH1fl+84OIGXkiK7sanjShXeuKoJf+cjtf4ty1Lyc0g2RVvL8Almot qKiSYDiqiWtmgZaE79QvL4W2UqvT/wArPL/5gaLavp3m2PTrqGAM9pqdvI8l3JK8rufWBhgjCqkg PROCESS 57c/eomR1UpfPP5bRWFqw/L7VGsJw14nDy/WOOWOd/trx+GXmvqg0/aBrU4Py+O74RfLkF45d6Kv VIv8I8nuCwsETWNML3PpsyyPCrSKWjTivJu1dxscULpvzr1mFxXyhJLH6cUzvDqulsQkkKStRWmQ C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0 / 2008-05-16T15:47:57-07:00 from application/pdf to v2l/mDUG9MVbjm0m10+KeG58/wAyRQLHAE0tPVKySvHSMmFUUozoyoaUWNeIO2Kut7rS7M/WW1vz DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f 0000134598 00000 n 100.000000 The ‘sangoma’ (Diviner / spiritual healer) has to satisfy a demand for ‘umuthi’ (medicine), to prevent misfortune, lightning, to win the lottery, good luck when job hunting or finding a girl-friend — the list is endless. mJLywuLjzXHM1nMtwWMF5zLg1YVa9avJapXwY4qq2P8AzjV5rEiW2oebVuNJhdGWBf0kGkXlV1/3 75.000000 szE9Ih6ijjQc+td8VQw8w+dY4LWCb800nv7tuUM1vqknotF6zRqfS+oNIH9SHhwBYn/UbFVa487e C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0 This is known as ivovo . uuid:53bfcbe2-9b23-4790-a45a-2ca9a8fc6323 2008-05-16T10:40:59-07:00 X0fVjU+sKSepSH0gBGeNSaGnxDFKM8ufld+aOo6nDZ6l5c0jy9NDbTIdVk0nTbu3Y1KIEEMxMdVZ q98Vbj+r8W9PhxqeXGlK1Na098Vb/c0P2ad+mKuHoVNONa70p1xVofV67cK7eH0Yq5fq/D4eHDfp CMYK PROCESS i/veUX7ag7rh8KNg0LGy8RqrV387fl0l5Nd3H5e6tFqCq1tLMfLpklaAVp+9iSQNE/GoHL6OtI/l qDbsksivIzN/ds1QVb4QPtKUQs35A22paM6aJ5jrDJHHbzLLdmO0Cy+rynpc81QM4LGjdPEHFCHt MqGW3MjLCs2qsqymNTKVLSWEQBoVrzoKMqhiSeKqOHmbzYk6Jqn5nwJZR3QlN3Dqs0d01tMkVOMQ 2010-09-14T08:38:14+02:00 while they are living. 84.999996 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=70 Rep6Kche1aglpXbbxoKKq2sf84x61dag93Zea2tYjNcyRWnG99KNHYNbotLyo4U+Ig/R0oqh4/8A PROCESS YqQHSpxZmY6oUMisJpOcq/UPVL/CqD4T3rSmKq7ecvN7RpNc/mVbwxGGWG3pqsnGWaJDJIzTJpyK C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=20 The word Zulu means "Sky" and according to oral history, Zulu was the name of the ancestor who founded the Zulu royal line in about 1670. AOxVTvir5iufMurubS0k/MLT4VhDwho9R9UMVd2QycdLVd3Zhz3opG3iqsv9Z80POs8fn6yjvZUg CMYK 0.000000 Taking historical accounts as the source of traditional namegiving, an analysis of rural, farm, and urban names shows quantitative and qualitative differences in naming practices. 75.000000 This is a beer pot. WnaKTzKbhJbhVeRFUolT6zFx9n4B3pUqEDIupxJa28fkq9mjlHK6CS+Y1ElyjsvKORY+bKsQVSOT Zulu culinary are mainly vegetarian dishes that predominantly consists of vegetables and grain. 94.999999 Group Culture Coordinator & Researcher Rukariro Katsande weighs in on the significance of beads in African culture… 0.000000 CvE4qiI/N/m+XTpZn/Ma2mjaKe3laTVmhRZbp2CSwyQWMMlIoZEKnciVWXiAOOKoG886+dn0yUr+ MvFJuII5ICgG9CMUK7fnVrMeoR37+b9Sl080E2nxeXIlVTIfq/D1HfnHIk7VX1HptT4qiqqlB+dH Y6JxFOJBgeL6Z8v523y4+fn3731QDKucef8AN8/x+NkdH+dPnwXt+x/MCQB7REidjdNG0gGyxoLQ pLIJbuTg0ci/H8Hxfjir3jFX52/nl/5N7zZ/20Zv14UFg2KuxV2KuxV2Kst1nydbWPkbStdjlMlz T9rFV0v55flLDDFNL5mtESZ2ijr6leaBCQV41XaRTUjviqyf89/yit5Wim8z2kbqqSUYSCqSosiM xCH0iINNHzVZYYhMkRaT4iaNx22+IqQVXovl78y9B0uPTtFl0rzLq1yT6i6tc6QwcvNPLGWlEaRm Adobe Illustrator CS4 uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 SoeXFgpI5SBaD4q7gcRyxVTl/OzSYrmxjl8t+YUtr+npXzafSBOVKGX95zjFCCeSbfQcVXf8rs0Q 2008-05-22T16:23:53-07:00 Along with this cloth, men carry the regimental shield of their warrior clan. A tradition is ‘a story or custom that is memorized and passed down from generation to generation, originally without the need for a writing , . 9NxHdm8aezk4yx2yLoQUxXB/ckyiclh1FBxJYChoaYqpN+Yf57RXmrwy6oGhtTP9Tlij0U8lt4WB 1zIaERD+W2pygEarpCqIlmmZr+H91zLBUehPxfDWgr1GKodPIWotyJ1HSVCtxq2o2o/aKVpzrSo6 0.000000 HN5fT0haJHIkkbmBI/V43TKVQgihqvgoUIU/Lo6jHBY2t9NcXtwYDYi58ukzB+BiH7qAIEkkahVW 0.000000 tN/QlxfXKNFJcTnjcTGVIIHkW/RPUj5kcAq8ilCOuKpp5f8Ayc8twXrp5i88Q6tprRmX6pBf3NoQ C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10 A married Zulu woman's head-dress. PROCESS 10.000002 xmp.iid:FA7F117407206811B628E3BF27C8C41B 3I8ytHGICY/V8sqS8kUZVoSwuaI7SQycULVB2xQqw/nFq009tA/mBibm3kX1R5ZKFp5ophBdANLI xRIoWQwSzMx4UVj9oKoJCrrj8ktZg52Nl5U1e6snaV4rtptDhq0fNVT0mtqxrcqilq9KJXvxVbm/ saved azavpMbE1VDGxMUqllY7K6gGhrQmmKoW5/NHVEjn1CHzF5jjhluV9WI6xpbGMugkXhGyOoWQJRQr 0.000000 02oGCcdz+0Bilq486+doptSt5vPoldLGNg1lqnNY5kkt0SRmewj9NZZGHNvshS3Ki74qo23nD8wb C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0 PROCESS C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0 PROCESS C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5 Je8jv11CLyVr0+4EttLcaJw+rxs0ZgpH6cn90eIIkPIUB5KKYqi1/J29hkW0tfJmt2trcFeBE2gS xmp.iid:782186A6CABFDF11ACA6DE654D808490 vegxVGzfkvr4Yvb+WNdKRRzWxnEmhLNLaiNoY1TlEJFLRPwflSo3ANaBVZ/yqC/tGuIZ/JfmCWyk RGAOxxVUm/Ln8lktoDJqzRwJO4hkOuXA/fAKWRZDccgVCqaKwI+nFVB/y1/IyKwmtn1fhaTzRiQN The Zulu dances are part of the tribe’s culture usually performed during a traditional Zulu ceremony. XLfVf3/wVT9v4/jr4SljPq9M/wDTc/d69vs22QDKh6o/6Xy6/H8dVtz+c3n9kuhH59uebXyOrLLd SfV9Ik/MiM3lokrRxyarKGa2mhDLKksVgPUYRK0g9Nh6TD4qgkYqgv8AFvmeS1jjX8z4RcQPORO2 AE3cAI03MKnIXAC8yzUXufliq7/lVf5KytE7ai8wkj5Rctbum5o5EQkB+sVbdeCtX2HQUVUI/wAs saved African foods are known to be served communally and provide time for the family to bond. Z7X6rret6/rslwY5oZdB1Se0mjUeoVV3NvGFLlUVwVc0qRUg4q9CxV2Kvjm9F9da7NLa+Rp2luLm C=35 M=100 Y=35 K=10 PROCESS PROCESS EmbedByReference eM97NvKXnXQZIfrXm3yMI/MUlvctJcadoNwI1s4FkYQSSXMay83+rPRDsfhwfl8dcPDGruqHNeOV C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50 /U48xN9a4l+PxcPx4fHj4uTirhFV/O/Rw/b+nZHHDhv1f6U+/wC77dubJPKWpaJoX6Vjtp5JWvLW saved xmp.iid:B333668C16206811BDDDFD38D0CF24DD also that ilobolo remains widely valued as a Zulu tradition and that it continues to be an integral and defining feature of a Zulu marriage. en5ifmja3Krc61ql1DbygXDL5QuU5otS3xB/hJVa9O/hiqon5g/m21vCw1O+rHAs0zHynMCwe5Nr 0.000000 0.000000 PROCESS 0.000000 C:\_FIONA\BIG MYTH\CDROM\myths\english\eng_images\zulu_bullet_2.gif 10.000002 By the early 19th century the Zulu had become the strongest military force in southern Africa (under the leader- ship of the powerful but violent Shaka). zd/lbplzGk3K4umvdHVpVJIW4ZmcbMaAFmr8QAryxVXuLzyH+kJli/KzTmtIJp0tdWjvNHi9X6ov o4jAnnixm4xkx3culRrMZeQIEio4jKlSRVQpG2x3qqr3Hlz85ZII0i846fFMpXnMulAhhyl5Hg0z 100.000000 1 100.000000 Adobe Illustrator CS4 100.000000 35.000002 a culture-specific element that provides meaning to realities from a specific background. CMYK I1UBJAJNOk5kF3+0eRoN/BV1l/zjT+ZEcS2lzbaTLaLKxj5TQv6ZnCrNcKpsF5NxjXiKgbD4T1xV / 0.000000 84.999996 3BGaJK+mVYDfqcUoOz/OPXZbZbc6wjtFLeC4muvLVEaWKIyRW5SGfiGVklVSrFvjFR1xVE2f5qay 100.000000 PROCESS JGQOVPiG22KrD/zkB+Utq8PpaTfetHGPSWLTPjjRZfTCkChTeAMAabKPbFUTffnf+WcTTLdaJqBe RRuXXFUBFpn53zPPJLH5vtvRWMhE1DSnqVeMShQyqJC49VwQygbLTxVTBNO/OC9ge9j/AMXWL3Jg 0.000000 In Zulu culture, for both the traditionalist and Christian Zulu, honouring parents, whether alive or dead, is to relate to them with great respect. kxl+LU22rWmKqC/nprn1x7SXyZLFNClw06HVNOZ1a2WpUIkjM1T8JNNiR1xVVi/PS9e4RW8pzpav CMYK 100.000000 164 Adobe Illustrator CS4 PROCESS 3ab2fnj8t6W8tp5D1JHtrX90BoHpPBBwMpiQMqEqPR6RVWtMTp8Zu4x33Ow5qJy71FPP/wCW36Om Brights 0.000000 69.999999 It will conclude by showing that harmful traditional practices, as outlined previously, are a violation of women's human rights as guaranteed in the Constitution, perpetuate the inequalities between women and men, and contribute to the extreme poverty that government is trying to eradicate. 2010-09-13T22:04:54+02:00 /rt/xYep6fe3B+E1rxr+vFVM/wDOSOus7Kl55RqQGijF9fuxBkI41W148uKkU26humxVRlv/AM5D As with most cultures there are different stages in a Zulu wedding. fKumfuUaOKlrGKI9eS7DoeR29ziqx/yb/Kt2iLeVdNPooscQ+rpxVVZnHFaUHxOST374qyy0tLWz rw/eyVYN/KdtwVX1L5Zg1G38vafbalDHBfQQJFNFDM9wgMY4ik0gV32A3YVxVCefb5LDyZrN67Wa Zulu meals are a social rituals: Sharing the same plate or cup is symbolic of friendship and welcome. Adobe Illustrator CS4 Elements of the Zulu culture. UxV2Kvzt/PL/AMm95s/7aM368KCwbFXYqyq4/L29i+uGPV9JuVtLYXYMF4jGVCrMyxKQrF0WNiyk ZULU CULTURE CLOTHING. PROCESS Zulu customs vary region to region with the Zulu Kingdom but there are some generally constant customs in most parts of the Zulu Kingdom such as these: BEADS These are made by girls of courting age, and sent by a friend to the favoured boy. %PDF-1.4 %���� 45 0 obj <> endobj xref 45 17 0000000016 00000 n saved j6nIghH1OKPT3nfishRArmoJldDIpDUYtyrU4qqy/n/+VsNq2oQaPqM8Zkjj9SLTCpdCeXqqZPT5 Because Umabo ceremony can cost quite a lot of money some couples prefer to have a church wedding or civil ceremony and then have Umabo celebration a year or so later. 0000001050 00000 n / Has the Zulu culture piqued your interest? 90.000004 The pictures of the book were very interesting and enjoyable. Superstition. The researcher therefore utilised the emic perspective in her study of impression management tactics employed by the Zulu culture (Talti & Özbilgin, 2008). saved Adobe Illustrator CS4 saved saved C=5 M=0 Y=90 K=0 Adobe Illustrator CS4 Read about all that in this piece. UBOMYdwYuYZkdHYqlGryAbqVV8n5oVs2jl1/zWPqjRTwXg1XTImd76COQQz0j4BPSQyREsRyqoPJ Starch is a dietary staple and they take form in pap (porridge) and beer. irv+QL/9/H/044q7/kC//fx/9OOKu/5Av/38f/Tjirv+QL/9/H/044q7/kC//fx/9OOKu/5Av/38 9XjYsJx6fJkfjtT4uJOKotIvyzj1e0SytLxW1GOz+r3QudBIimlMQZ41MGzRShkcLt9ojj2VQ1w3 from application/pdf to 35.000002 CMYK PROCESS CU8SlStEBEancgFadaGiqL0j8zfLGpX1hpqeWdbtZbp1RPrWjXEMUBL/AAmVynBFDAHkDQYq9CAA 1FqURgAV7n5dcVZ7FLHNEksTB45FDo43BVhUEfPFUo85myHlXVGvdPi1W1S3d5NPuHiihl4/EFlk aKl31PU7qzt4r3yZNPdw28Xp38P+I/QNvMvrVpDEftgLuwct+0agsVDN9F/KHzJrGiWupR+WbGKK CMYK ‘Kwa’ means ‘place of’ and, under apartheid, the KwaZulu-Natal region was created for the Zulu and Zulu only. 100.000000 CMYK MuBDqLppvK0ey+s6J6LRmQXKeqRGIy0jAgfDyonXFWSWv5q62t/pqNrWvypqEwYeprGnLRo5IGEL xmp.iid:F77F117407206811818C85DF6A1A75C3 Wey/849a19ZWa1vNAt3jCfV5/wBCRGSA/GSIU9QogSRuandif2hTkyrdr/zjxrNrPBPb3flyGa3k ZYpLC3l1jWLaWGBlf93JGAnxxcwpJHJhy3BIxVHn8kvN8lkIZfLukuGh4hf03rKtHKolpzIZxIp5 100.000000 You may think you know a thing or two about this iconic African tribe, but there’s more to the Zulu culture than meets the eye. trailer<<7893c66670377ef066548d71947ac6c4>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 46 0 obj <> endobj 61 0 obj<. r0pGifzDK8bRxBoUUFrk1Q+sV696Yqm//Qvn5WXi21z6N5cIISkc66jdN6sMp5nlIsnJ1ao/a6Ux Adobe Illustrator CS4 r9rtiqpZ/n1rd5NbWViPKCyuoaWEXd3JSQBV+FVt0FV6mhI4qfi6HFVa0/5yL1RpbuIXflSIW8pj Living in Kwa Zulu Natal makes the Zulu culture extra special to us and we would love to share how the Zulu traditions apply to when it comes to a wedding. 0000006082 00000 n saved PROCESS SW1mP5m2c/rSJcKk2oy+iyLMyLUHTubRllZZOPEAKS1F3ChXl88ea5Iw9n+ZdsViunEcsuqOsYSV ka54LDO2oXKsCWEkTPaNpzSIeUtGIITgKMu2Kou685ebpkWzH5hJALD6wLkRaufrMrRxBnPJrEHb 0.000000 64.999998 / 0.000000 8p7i5itofMtq007iOAH1FDlneOqMVCsvONhyB4jx3GKqdv8Anx+UFxKkUPmmzaSQ8USrgk+AqvU9 A A festival involving snakes, a reed dance with thousands of Zulu dancers or a large religious gathering of the Shembe are all cultural outings available to you when exploring Eshowe in Zululand at certain times of the year.. hp+OKtHzDooZlN5HyTlyWpr8P2v1YqtfzJoiGjXaA14nZtjSu+2304qvTXtHdgqXcbMwqFBqSKV6 yv8AWy9V848v5u3Lu9/2bIK1/NL80tNttFj1LzjqNjIJZJSl816zrGQ4DzFreT142JHFQz09tiks n/ie/qjihXX/AEv4/Hluik0Dy8Z7pDqd0IoLcTROLSBmdgAXVlF38KjmvF6kNueg3gc2Sh6Y7mvq 39.999402 xmp.iid:0680F712E8BBDF1194F8AC70D8DC2244 Shaka, who became king in 1816, is the most well known Zulu king - who had total power over his tribe. saved Consequently, the perspectives of isiZulu participants are identified as well as the impression tactics they utilise. 0.000000 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30 xVjX9np8KlaBpKNEiaz+YXCeKCE008VSgNshLrbB4pELMzEn4qH7WwxQl00MlzcXgi13z7dT6bCt s7mJlY3jy/m/j8W4fnP5/wD0VHH/AI8uA4vOfomW6+sBfXJ9Rp/q1DFx39Pfb9mn7rHwzx/TP6f5 IsiZulu is South Africa's most widely 0.000000 C=0 M=35 Y=85 K=0 In the following section, impression management is defined and discussed. H��Wے��}'b�!��q'�4��a�w{f�f×m?R5H*mU�1�z�̒�i� �ЍT���'O&�����aD�. Arial Rounded MT Bold 0.000000 5.000001 It is specially for drinking Zulu beer. 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